Alnissa at Home
Dinner Food Soups & Stews

Chicken, Sausage & Shrimp Gumbo

Chicken, Sausage & Shrimp Gumbo

Hello and happy Monday! If you follow me on Instagram then you may have seen me make this Chicken, Sausage and Shrimp Gumbo on my IG story. Gumbo is one of those dishes that can be intimidating because it’s a recipe that people are very passionate about. Everyone has their own version and their own recipe, some that have been passed down for generations.

So if it’s something that you didn’t grow up making or eating (see: me) then you may feel it’s out of your league. Well let me tell your first — it’s not. And second it’s actually not particularly difficult being that majority of the recipe calls for it to simmer over low heat to develop flavor.

In this recipe I used what I had on had and what I felt like eating, but gumbo is a “dump what you got” kind of recipe so feel free to personalize it with whatever portion you like. There are all-seafood gumbos, sausage only, sausage and chicken, or any combination/variation of the three.

Chicken, Sausage & Shrimp Gumbo

The Roux

Now…let me be up front. The recipe itself is not difficult. BUT the first step, making a dark roux does take time and patience. If you are comfortable in the kitchen this is nothing that should worry you, it is really just stirring and watching, but with anything that takes an extended amount of time in this age of short attention spans (it takes about 20 minutes to get a chocolate colored roux) you may get the urge to walk away, quickly do something else in the kitchen, go check your phone, etc. Hear me when I say — RESIST! Resist the urge to do anything else, because once it burns, even a little, it’s good for nothing but the trash and you’ll have to start over. Note that it will have a faint smokey scent while it’s cooking, do not confuse that with it burning. You will be able to physically see if it is burnt.

As with anything on this blog feel free to send me any questions you may have. Reach out via email or social media I’ll be happy to help! And if you are better with visuals the good news is you can check my Instagram highlights to see me make it in real time.

Chicken, Sausage & Shrimp Gumbo

Happy Gumbo-ing!

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